Silver Black and White Photo Converter version 2.2.7 is released. The Sepia tool you can use to colorize B&W photos has improved features. See this tutorial video for more infomation
Silver B&W Camera has manual focus option you can use when autofocus does not work the way you like. Touch button M and then select Focus. If your device has more lenses than the single wide angle lens you first need to select a supported lens. iOS devices allow manual focus when wide angle lens or tele lens is in use.
You may let the autofocus system first focus to subject you want and then touch the Auto switch do disable autofocus and freeze the focus distance. You can then frame the photo the way you like.
Manual focus. Even hand can help to focus close by subjects.
If the target is close by but so small that autofocus does not detect it you can use something bigger to help focus. Even your own hand if you manage to place it on the right distance.
And of course you can use the focus slider and use the camera preview to focus your subject.
Note that you can move the manual settings window by touching its top frame and moving your finger.
There is one important thing to remember about manual focus. You may want to focus to infinity when shooting distant objects or scenery. Be aware that the rightmost position of the focus slider may not be the infinity. Typically lens focus system extends beyond infinity. This guarantees that lens can focus to infinity but does not define physical position for the infinity. So when manually moving the focus slider to focus to infinity carefully check the preview window and don’t simply move the slider to the right end.
Silver B&W Camera supports RAW and ProRAW (since version 3.1) formats. RAW and ProRAW images are combined with JPEG or HEIC photos as a single image file.
By default a JPEG or HEIC version is shown and shared if send to others. The RAW and ProRAW versions remain in the background and needs specific actions to be accessed.
You can use Mac computer and Photos app to extract separate RAW or ProRAW and JPEG or HEIC files.
Or you can use iOS app like A Photo Tool to select whether you want to access the RAW format or normal photo format of the file.
We have a short video to show how everything is done. See it here on YouTube.
Silver B&W Camera has features to adjust exposure – that is lightness or darkness of the photo.
Simplest is the Exposure Bias setting. Touch M button to show the manual modes dialog. First item on the left is Exposure +/-. This setting works in combination with autoexposure. You just tell the automatic that you want the photo to be lighter or darker.
Example is a sunny day when everything is lit brightly but your main target is in the shadow. Add some positive exposure bias to make your main target more visible. Remember to watch out the overall exposure so that you don’t make the background too light.
You can close the manual settings dialog and the exposure bias setting remains in effect. Small letter B on the camera view reminds that bias setting is on.
Our Silver B&W Camera is for B&W photographers. It gives tools to control how color is transformed to a grayscale image.
(And of course you can take great color photos also, so even if your not in to b&w photography you will like the rich features of Silver B&W Camera)
Quick access buttons on bottom. We are here taking photo of a color template displayed on computer screen. Pure colors of the digital template are mixed with natural light resulting more shades on the test image.
Image above has five quick selection buttons at the bottom of screen to set the mode of the camera.
At left is colorful button for color photos.
Touch natural b&w button to take realistic looking b&w photos. Use sliders to adjust to yours liking.
Next to it is a grayscale button for very natural looking b&w photos. It approximates the way human eye is sensitive to different colors.
In the settings you can select the startup mode to be color mode or this natural b&w mode.
The last three buttons select a single channel of color and uses it to create the b&w image.
Single channel quick buttons for red, green and blue can be used to quickly change the look of b&w photo. Use sliders to add other colors to the mix. Here the green color square is not pure green – it has some red in it so it is not completely black. And red is not pure red so it is not completely white.
Digital camera is sensitive to three colors – red, green and blue. So the sliders at the upper right corner correspond to these colors (as do the quick selection buttons). You can adjust each slider between 0 and 100. Zero means that this color is ignored and all other values indicate the relative amount of that color in the b&w transformation.
The highest value color looks lightest and the lowest value color darkest in the transformed image. So if you set red to some value greater than zero and the green and blue to zero then pure red is transformed to white and pure green and blue to black. (You can also set this mode by touching red quick selection button.)
Real targets you photograph in real lightning conditions never have pure red, green or blue colors so red would not be really white but instead have somewhat darker shade. Green and blue would not be absolute black but somewhat lighter shade of gray.
Please note that the sliders are relative in nature. For example when only one slider has other value than zero then the actual value is not important – all values create same result. Also if two sliders have non zero value and they have the same value it is not important witch value it is – all values yield the same result. And finally if all sliders have same value, then the result is same regardless the actual value.
Only exception is when all three sliders are set to zero, then the camera is in color photo mode.
When the non zero values of sliders differ, then they indicate the relative lightness or darkness of that color in the transformation.
And finally, with relative we mean that the values do not actually change the overall exposure of the image. It stays about the same if the scene contains about average amount of each color. If you take a photo of red wall and turn red channel to zero then your photo may look a bit dark. But that is a special case.
RAW image files are basically just what the camera sensor sees thru the lens. There is no processing, fixing and correcting done. The JPEG photo is processed by software to fix colors, exposure and even other errors software can detect. So is iPhone and iPad take great photos, why shoot RAW?
Sometimes you want to fix the photo yourself. You have some great software you like to work with. And over time all software tend to get better in doing things and so does RAW image processing software. When you have the original RAW data at hand you can use the new software capabilities to give your photos a new look.
Silver B&W Camera takes RAW photos. They are saved together with the JPEG image as DNG file. There are several options to get access of the DNG file – one is using A Photo Tool.
Shooting RAW with Silver B&W can be bit confusing as the iPhone and iPad set some restrictions to when RAW image is available. If your device has multiple cameras (we call them lenses) you must select wide of tele lens.
Touch lens selection button and select W for wide angle lens or T for tele lens. Automatic and Ultra Wide don’t work with RAW.
And you can not use zoom. That is because the lenses on your device are fixed length (focal length) and all zooming is done digitally cropping the image. So it makes sense to only have the non zoomed RAW photos as you can always use your editing software to make the crop you want.
Also you must enable the RAW format. Go to settings and switch RAW on. By default this removes non RAW features – like automatic lens and zoom buttons. But you can enable the non RAW compatible features if you like.
Go to settings (gear button) and select Photo tab (bottom of the screen). Switch RAW photo mode ON and Allow now RAW modes is you so like. Tap Done when everything is set.
If you enable non RAW compatible features Silver B&W Camera saves RAW file when it is available and possible. So you can use all the features of Silver B&W Camera. You get RAW when the settings are right but you can zoom if you like and know that you still get JPEG.
One thing to note is that although Silver B&W Camera is geared towards black and white photography the RAW photo version is always in color. The sensors records color and the b&w jpeg is created by Silver B&W Camera so the RAW is what the sensors sees.
You have create tools to take b&w photos with Silver B&W Camera, but when RAW is available you can later rethink how to convert the photo to grayscale or even keep the colors if you change your mind.
Your device may have one, two or three cameras on its back. Silver B&W Camera has setting to select a camera. We call this selecting the lens to use when taking a photo or shooting video.
One, two or three cameras on back of the iPhone.
Lens (camera) is selected by button shown in the picture below. If your device has only one camera then the lens selection button is not visible.
There is one extra lens listed in the selection. That is lens A – automatic. A is default and lets the operating system to choose lens to be used based on zoom and focus.
Lens selection buttons.
All devices have wide lens. That is selected by button W. If you device has only one camera then this is it.
Some devices have tele lens. That is selected by button T. Tele gives narrower field of view compared to wide lens.
Some devices may have third camera that is called Ultra Wide. That is selected by button UW. It gives a really wide field of view and can produce exiting results.
On front of your device you have one single camera to take selfies. Switch to it using button marked with circling arrows.
Button to switch between back camera and front camera (for selfies).